Coverage with BIG - Live Meetings / Forums / Events
Brookline Interactive Group (BIG) serves the Brookline community as an integrated media and technology education facility. BIG is dedicated to providing access to media technology and tools, education and support to the community which includes: local government entities, nonprofits organizations, community groups, schools, libraries and adult and young individuals in order to distribute and disseminate the local, noncommercial voices of the Brookline community.

As the need for online video conferencing services has become essential in recent times, we have developed trainings, resources and technical staff to support our community's needs to hold live, online events such as meetings, town halls, forums, presentations and conversations. If you would like BIG to consider how we can help with your event, please complete the form below.

If you are looking for in-person coverage please note that we are not currently doing in-person coverage except for very special circumstances.

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Email *
Title of Event/Meeting/Forum *
Brief Description of Event *
Please include the location and whether it is indoor or outdoor.
Primary Contact *
Name, Email, Title/Role
Is this a request for in-person or virtual production coverage?
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If hybrid or virtual, which Zoom format would you prefer? *
This will be further discussed, but indicate your anticipated platform format.
If doing a Zoom Webinar, do you want to require registration?
This allows you to capture names and emails, as well as configure reminders to attend. The registration page can also be customized with your logo.
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Date of the Event
Time of the Event
Length of Event *
Host/Moderator (for meeting/committee/forum): *
Name and Email
Is this request for LIVE coverage or a RECORDING of the event/meeting/forum? *
If live request, please consider that BIG will need access to power and high speed internet.
Is Technical Support being requested: *
Do you need BIG to set-up and run the Zoom session or if hybrid/in-person any of the onsite A/V setup?
Expected number of panelists or presenters: *
Panelists Info (if yes in previous question, provide both names, and emails):
Expected Attendees (Number): *
Please specify in-person and remote, as applicable
If hybrid or in-person, and BIG staff are requested on site, are vaccines mandated at this event?
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Public Comment or Q&A Period *
Rundown of Event
(put in link to google doc/sheet or past outline below) This is a moment-by-moment script so BIG’s team knows exactly what is planned for each part of the event and can accurately anticipate your needs.
Screen Share Material to present anticipated? (slides, video, graphics, audio): *
BIG requires a quick dress rehearsal for all collaborations. Please list available dates/time for tech/dress rehearsal: *
Budget: do you have any funds available to support this event? *
BIG Broadcasts live Zoom/Video Conferences to our Brookline cable channels on RCN / Comcast 3 (Community Channel), or Comcast 23 / RCN 15/613 HD (Government Channel) and Live Streams them on our YouTube, FB and website: Do you agree to BIG airing your event live and archiving it on our various platforms for on-demand viewing? *
You will be given copies of all links and access to video files if requested for your own purposes.
How will you acknowledge BIG's Contribution to your event? (check all that apply) Please use Brookline Interactive Group's full name when possible. If not possible due to space constraints, using BIG is also acceptable. Logos can be shared vis email, if needed.
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