Quaker Outside the Lines
As of October 31st, 2017, the Quaker Outside the Lines program has officially concluded.  Search #quakeroutsidethelines on Facebook to see all the exciting projects completed by Friends.
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Name of Primary Contact Person (this person must be a member of a meeting in New York Yearly Meeting) *
Monthly Meeting of Primary Contact Person *
Email Address of Primary Contact Person *
Phone Number for Primary Contact Person *
Describe your idea for your "Quaker Outside the Lines" project.  (You don't have to say a whole lot.  Three or four sentences works fine.) *
When do you expect your project to take place?  (If you don't have a date yet, a more vague answer like "sometime in April" is okay.  Be aware - all projects must be finished by the end of October!) *
There are five basic requirements that a project needs to meet to qualify for funding under "Quaker Outside the Lines."  The first is that the project must involve Quakers and non-Quakers doing something together.  Does your project idea meet that requirement? *
The second requirement is that at least part of your project has to happen somewhere other than your meetinghouse or normal worship space.  What is your outside-the-meetinghouse location?  (local park, school, restaurant, library, etc.) *
The third requirement is that your project needs to be in some way meaningful to someone in your local community (a person or people in your city, town, neighborhood, etc.)  In two or three sentences, to whom will this project be meaningful, and in what way? *
The fourth requirement is that your project should be a reflection of your Quaker faith, however you define that.  Again, in just a few sentences, how does this project reflect your Quaker faith? *
The last requirement is that you (or someone acting on your behalf) must post something about your project on social media, using #quakeroutsidethelines.  What's your plan for this?  (You can check more than one!) *
Okay - about funding.  There are a few things you need to know.  First - if your project is approved, you can be reimbursed for project costs up to a maximum of $200.  There will be no reimbursement for costs above that amount.  Second - you can be reimbursed ONLY for direct expenses of the project, and the funding cannot be used to pay for a person's time.  Third - in order to be reimbursed, you will need to fill out a one-page voucher and provide receipts for all costs.  The voucher paperwork will be sent to you when your project is approved. *
That's it - you're done!  If your project meets the basic requirements, and if we have enough funds remaining to cover it, you'll be approved.  You'll probably hear back within three days.  Is there anything else you want to say?
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