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1. Susan is the most _________________ person I’ve ever met. She’s always smiling and telling jokes! *
1 point
2. Ada is very ___________. She always says “Please” and “Thank you”. *
1 point
3. Patrick is very _____________. He always does well in tests. *
1 point
4. (a) Sandra is so _____________________. She believes that nobody is better than her. She should be more _______________. *
1 point
4. She believes that nobody is better than her. She should be more (b) _______________. *
1 point
5. My cousin Martha often tells me what to do. She’s a bit ___________. *
1 point
6. Don’t say unkind things to her -she’s very _________________. *
1 point
7. My sister is always very (a) ___________. Everything in her room is in the right place. *
1 point
7. Everything in her room is in the right place. Nothing is (b) ___________. *
1 point
8. If your homework is difficult, you can ask Helen. She is always very ______________ and she’ll explain it to you. *
1 point
9. Jim doesn’t do crazy things. He’s very ______________. *
1 point
10. My aunt is often angry. She’s really _______ -____________. *
1 point
11. Get up! Don’t be __________, Susan! *
1 point
12. How ___________ Ronald is! He’s the most boring person in my class. *
1 point
13. My neighbour is not generous. In fact, she is often quite ___________. *
1 point
14. Don’t leave money on the table. Some people are _________________. *
1 point
15. Our new P.E. teacher is very relaxed and friendly. He’s an _________ - __________ person! *
1 point
16. Ralph is ______________ that he will win the match. He’s trained a lot. *
1 point
17. Ted is making me crazy. Now he’s happy and five minutes later angry. I can’t stand ______________ people! *
1 point
18. My cousin Betty never shares her candies with her friends. She’s so ______________. Nobody matters. *
1 point
19. We really enjoy parties. We’re very (a) ______________ and _______________. *
1 point
19. We really enjoy parties. We’re very ______________ and (b) _______________. *
1 point
20. Luke is very ___________. Sometimes you don’t know he is there. *
1 point
21. My English teacher is always very _______________. She will explain us anything if we don’t understand it. *
1 point
22. Be ______________ and don’t waste your time. You have to study hard if you want to get good marks. *
1 point
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