2024 Lantern Volunteer sign up
How you can help out with Kit Making or at Lantern workshops - 

- Help put together our kits for schools / individuals to take home and create - in September
- If you'd like to help in our middle-school workshops (great if you also have a DBS)

Community Workshops -
- If you have some of knowledge making lanterns and are able to help participants
- Check-in participants, using Eventbrite
- Take payment on a card machine for lantern materials
- Help cut out tissue paper, refill glue pots, etc

Contact us: fromelanterns@gmail.com
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Lantern making kits
Name *
Phone number *
How can you help us? please tick any you can do
Kit Making events, which date/s can you attend? (we will let you know the venue when you sign up)
wrapped lantern making kits
Lantern making materials - this is what we use
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