CONFIDENCE - Dissemination Workshop registration
Coping with uncertainties for improved modelling and decision making in nuclear emergencies - 2-5 December 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

The CONFIDENCE Project, funded under the H2020 CONCERT project, is performing research focused on uncertainties in the area of  emergency management and long-term rehabilitation. It concentrates on the early and transition phases of an emergency, but considers also longer-term decisions made during these phases. The project brings together expertise from four European Radiation Protection Research Platforms (NERIS, MELODI, ALLIANCE and EURADOS) and also from Social Sciences and Humanities.
Objectives of the workshop:
• to disseminate the knowledge acquired and to demonstrate the capability of the developed models, methods, approaches, guides, recommendations and tools,
• to collect feedback from end users on outputs and remaining research requirements or improvements in models/guides etc. as a feedback to the Platforms to further develop their Strategic Research Agendas and Joint roadmap.

Workshop format:
The workshop will consists of presentations, panels, poster sessions and scenario based facilitated group discussions. Workshop will follow the decision making process which will be realised by using one scenario based on work and outputs from each and every project work-package. Scenario based demonstration of methods and tools will provide complex overview of project outcomes.

For further information please contact the hosted Coordinator (Tatiana Duranova – You can also download the first announcement at the NERIS web page .
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