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Office Politics
I am putting a piece together on office politics and would love to have your responses to the questions below to aid this. Please fill in answers based on your personal experiences with the subject matter.
Thank You!
* Indicates required question
Is office politics a good thing or a bad thing?
It's Good
It's Bad
It depends
I don't know
Have you ever been a victim of office politics?
Oh yes!
I really don't know
Have you actively played office politics?
Yes, play or be played
Yes, but I wish I didn't
Please select as many of these that are elements of office politics
Taking credit for someone else's work
Forming malicious alliances
Spreading gossips/rumors
Withholding important information
Flattering the boss
Sabotaging/Discrediting a colleagues project/work
Befriending colleagues or managers with influence
Airing your opinions confidently
Impressing your boss through good work
Impressing your boss's boss
Please select one element above and give an advice on how to deal with it.
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Got an experience to share?
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Would you like to be quoted or not?
Yes, it is fine
No, please don't
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