RSVP for 9/10 Accountability Workgroup Session
Thanks for taking a moment to RSVP for the next [AW] Session on Thursday, 9/10, from 12-2 PM (PST). We will be introducing “Home Rooms” (consistent breakout groups) for the next three-session cycle and this will allow us to organize breakout rooms intentionally. We are asking participants to commit to the next three sessions (if at all possible) in order to support this effort.

Zoom Link for Thursday's Session
Email *
Name *
Title *
Organization (if affiliated) *
Will you be attending the Accountability Workgroup meeting on Thursday, 9/10? *
Can you commit to the next three Workgroup Sessions? (9/10, 10/1, 10/22) *
Our Breakouts for the next three Sessions will be organized as "Home Rooms" where participants will return to the same groups every three weeks. We recognize that such spaces ask a level of presence and trust to be effective for meaningful discourse. As we organize these rooms, please indicate here if you have specific requests for us that would impact your ability to participate. (Past requests have been recorded.)
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