CCNRC Waitlist - 2023

Please register below to be put on the waitlist for the 2023 Color Country Natural Resource Camp (*registration closed on Friday, April 28, 2023). Please fill out the electronic application and we will let you know if there is available space. The 2023 camp will be held Tuesday, May 30 - Saturday, June 3. You will be notified of your acceptance before May 16. The cost is $150. Fee's are collected at the parent/student meeting on May 17, 2023 (fee waivers are available).

After you hit "Submit" you will see a confirmation page verifying your registration has successfully been submitted (if you are registering on a cell phone you may need to scroll up or down to see the confirmation). Please only fill out one registration per person.

If you are under 18, you must fill this application out with a parent or guardian.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please read the above instructions... *
Student's First Name *
Student's Middle Name
Student's Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Student's Phone Number *
Please include area code (if you do not have a phone enter "n/a")
Student's Email *
Parent's Phone Number *
Please include area code
Parent's Email *
Student's Gender *
Current Grade Level *
High School Currently Attending *
(if you are currently in 9th grade enter the name of your middle school)
Have you attended the Color Country Natural Resources Camp before? *
Briefly describe why you are interested in attending the camp: *
Where did you hear about the camp? *
Please list your work experience, hobbies, interests, and after school activities: *
Please list your experience or interest in natural resources, agricultural, or environmental related activities: *
Please list all allergies, special dietary concerns, or relavant medical information: *
If there are none, please type "None".
Temperatures at camp can range between 70°F in the day to 20°F at night. *
Please type in the box below: "I understand that it may get below freezing at camp, therefore I will bring warm clothes & warm gear to sleep in."
What size (men's) t-shirt do you wear? *
Please chose your size from the drop down list below:
Digital Signatures
In accordance with the Utah Digital Signature Act of 1995 (Utah Code §§ 46-3-101 to 46-3-504) and the Federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000 (15 U.S.C. ch.96), you may sign this form electronically.

By signing, you assert that the above information is true and you are a legal guardian with authority to permit the minor to attend the camp, and that you do permit said minor to attend the Color Country Natural Resource Camp.

If the student is an adult, he or she may self-sign.
Parent/Guardian: Type your FULL NAME to sign. *
Participant: Type your FULL NAME to sign. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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