Literary Analysis Essay Acknowledgment Form
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I understand and agree that I will follow the CDS Honor Code and Mrs. Spriggs's Honor Code (provided on syllabus) for all elements of the Literary Analysis Essay. *
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  I understand that I cannot use any portion of a previously submitted essay by myself or by another student (from any school year @ ANY school). I understand that if I use any form of AI (artificial intelligence, writing bots, etc.) for any part of my essay, I will receive a zero.  Both of these actions will result in an Academic Honor Code Violation. I understand that the research paper MUST receive a "clean" report (20% or less similarity AND zero incidents of direct plagiarism) from Turnitin before it will be graded. I understand it is automatic failure if it never receives a "clean" report.
 I understand that I cannot use any portion of a previously submitted essay by myself or by another student (from any school year @ ANY school). *
I understand that I must complete all elements of the Literary Analysis Essay; tutors, guardians, siblings, peers, students, etc. may not complete the work for me.  Individuals other than myself cannot change more than 20% of my content when editing/revising.
I understand that this essay is an essential element of my current English course (Final Draft= Major Assessment, Self Edit= Classwork Grade, Outline = Quiz Grade, Planning/Pre-writing Handout =Double Weighted Classwork Grade).
I understand that I may fail the quarter by not completing the necessary requirements, turning in items late, turning in poor quality work, or plagiarizing any portion of the essay. *
I understand that I must complete all of the required elements in the order they are assigned (Planning Handout must be completed before Outline. Outline must be completed before essay). I understand that I must use the documents assigned to me under Google Classroom.
I understand that all due dates are posted in advance on the weekly agenda and Google Classroom.  I understand it is my responsibility to plan accordingly, keep up with the due dates, and use EXCEL to ask questions when I am confused.  I understand that due dates will not be adjusted and a penalty will occur for late work.
I understand that workdays will be provided; it is my responsibility to stay on task and use the provided class time.
Please type out your name below as an electronic signature that you understand and agree to all items on this form. *
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