Intercollegiate Sports Registration Form
Dear Students, 

The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean, as a prospective member of the Jamaica Inter-Collegiate Association (INTERCOL) intends to participate in their annual competitions. INTERCOL organizes and executes the operation of nine sports, Basketball, Cricket, Table Tennis, Badminton, Football, Hockey, Netball, Volleyball and Track & Field. This year the University aims to identify a cadre’ of students to establish teams for each of these events. 

To play INTERCOL a student has to meet the following requirements:
  • Must be a currently registered student
  • Maintain a G.P.A of 2.5 or more
Be a part of one of our most intriguing past times on campus. This is a very important way to get involved on campus, it also serves as an excellent means to learn different sporting activities while getting or keeping fit.

Even if you are off-field you can help us to forge an atmosphere that will push our INTERCOL teams to continue to make University of the Commonwealth Caribbean proud through sports.
Email *
Indicate Your Campus *
Indicate Your House *
Student ID No.  *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Overall GPA *
Intercollegiate Sports *
Experience  *
Describe your experience in the selected sporting events
Do you have any known medical/ health conditions that should be disclosed as you intend to participate in these activities? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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