CCPRO PROmoter Award

This award is given to a community college administrator – chancellor, president, vice chancellor or vice chancellor – who has demonstrated leadership in supporting public relations and marketing at their college and throughout California. The award will be given annually at the Community College Public Relations Organization conference. Nominations may only be made by a CCPRO member. Each answer should be no more than 300 words.

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Name of Nominee: *
Institution: *

1. Describe how the CEO/leader has promoted and advanced the institution. Examples can include fundraising efforts, support of the college foundation, and development of major programs. 


2. What innovative steps has the nominee taken to promote and advance community colleges in the community, regionally, statewide and/or nationally? 

3. How has the nominee shown support for community college marketing and public relations?

4. How has the nominee shown support for CCPRO?

Nominator's Name and Title: 
Address:  *
Phone: *
Email:  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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