International Conference for the Health, Safety and Welfare of Jockeys (ICHSWJ) – December 2025

The ICHSWJ will return in December 2025. The Jockey Health and Wellbeing Committee of the IFHA are organising the conference over two days – 11th and 12th December 2025. It will be hosted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club in Hong Kong. 

Conference Theme: Performance Medicine in Racing – Developing and Protecting the Jockey Athlete 

This conference is aimed at all those involved in jockey care including but not limited to racing administrators, racecourse doctors, researchers, practitioners and jockey associations. Have your say and let us know what you want to hear about at this conference. Your answers will be anonymous.

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What is your current status?
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If you ticked other for your current status, please outline here.
What topics would you be most interested in learning about at a jockey health and wellbeing conference?
(Tick all that apply)
If you ticked other, please suggest other topics here.

Are there any emerging trends or new research areas in jockey health, safety and welfare that you would like to see covered?

Have you any preferences as to how the conference is delivered?
(Tick all that apply)
If you ticked other, please suggest other delivery approaches here.

Are there any speakers, experts, or industry leaders you would love to hear from? Please list.

What would make this conference memorable for you?

Is there anything you would like us to avoid when planning this conference?
If you would be interested in contributing to this conference, please outline how? E.g. Proposed topic, delivery method etc. 
*Please note, it may not be possible to facilitate this request but we will endeavour to do our best.
Do you intend to attend the conference or send a representative? *
If you have any other comments or thoughts please leave them here.
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