Tails of the World: Fredericskburg, VA 
Join the Tails of the World movement! With your session donation $100 donation to Animal Awareness & Assistance non profit, you will receive a custom, Fredericksburg, VA photoshoot with Pixels by Pixley Photography and your dog will be featured in the Tails of the World Book, Vol 3. This beautiful book is a celebration of pets around the world with all proceeds donated to animal rescue. 

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Email *
Name *
Date/Time Preference for session *
Pet(s) Name *
Pet Details (age, breed, gender) *
Name three facts about your dog(s) *
Anything else we should know about your dog?
What or where is your favorite spot around the area that you like to take your pet? *
Why would you like to be involved in the Tails of the World Project? *
Other People who may be with you during the session
Are you interested in purchasing prints, products, or digital files? *
Acknowledgements *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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