Venue rent request

Thank you for considering our venue for your event! To assist us in understanding your requirements better and ensuring we can provide you with the best possible service, please take a moment to fill out the following survey. Your feedback is valuable to us and will enable us to tailor our offerings to meet your specific needs.

Email *
Name *

Phone Number


Type of Event

Apx. number of participants *
Apx. date of the event *

Venue Preferences

Any Special Technical Needs

   Estimated Budget Range

Accommodation for the participants

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What type of the insurance do you have to cover your event (if any)?

Any additional details we need to know about your event

How did you hear about our venue?

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We appreciate your time and effort in providing us with these details. Once we receive your responses, a member of our team will get in touch with you to discuss your requirements further and provide you with a personalized quote.

Thank you for considering Dzamling Gar for your event. We look forward to the possibility of hosting your special occasion!

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