NWAR Lunch & Learn Signup Form
Please complete the form below (and click "SUBMIT" at bottom) to let us know which upcoming Lunch & Learn classes interest you.  All classes run from 11:45a - 1:00p unless otherwise noted.

All classes are LIVE with free lunch for NWAR Members and we will allow for virtual attendance whenever possible depending on venue.  Some locations noted as TBD will be decided upon the locations of most Member interest.  Therefore if you find any "Location TBD" topic(s) particularly interesting and wouldn't mind learning it over a free lunch near you, it will help to recruit nearby REALTORS to fill out this form to lure us to your neck of the Northwoods!

Mark your calendar for any classes that interest you and we will email a reminder the week prior with location and (if offered) a link to join virtually.  

Dates, Courses, Instructors & Locations (11:45a-1:00p unless otherwise noted):
  • 10/9 - NAR Settlement & Best Practices Round Table w/ WRA Atty Wendy Hoang - NWAR Office
  • 11/13 - WHEDA Forum w/ Curt Witynski - 11a-1p @ Cabaret Cove - Rhinelander (LIVE ONLY) - NON-MEMBER signup for WHEDA Forum 
  • 12/11 - Online Awareness: Compliance, Safety & Fraud w/ Tech Helpline experts - NWAR Office
  • 1/8/25 Discussing Agency with Consumers w/ WRA Attorney Wendy Hoang NWAR Office
  • 2/12 - Divorce & Probate w/ Lisa Petersen (Chicago Title) & Local Affiliates - NWAR Office
  • 3/12 - Boathouses, Flowages, Erosion w/ DNR Water Spec. Nicole Hays - NWAR Office
  • 4/9 - MLS Etiquette: New Listings, Presentation & More w/ Lon Fisk - NWAR Office
  • 5/7 - Taking Title & Affect on Transactions w/ Hunter Piasecki (Shoreline Title) - Rhinelander Chamber
Lunch & Learn sessions are FREE for NWAR Members or $10 for nonmembers (if eating).  We will provide a selection of Subway sandwiches plus chips and water; please indicate below if you have any special dietary requirements.  

If you have any questions, please contact us at staff@northwoodsrealtors.org or 715-356-3400.  

P.S. - Ignore any "Sign in to Google" message below - just fill out the form and click "Submit" - may need to scroll up & complete a captcha if you don't see the confirmation message.   
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name *
Dietary requirements? (opt)
Please note if you have any special dietary requirements (Vegetarian/Gluten-free/etc)
Please note which L&L classes interest you and we will email you a calendar item w/ webinar link.  If you prefer in-person (subject to change & seating limits), we will email you the week prior to confirm if you still plan to attend. *
Interested - Live & In-Person
Interested - If Virtual Offered
Not Interested
2/12 - Divorce & Probate
3/12 - Boathouses, Flowages, Erosion
4/9 - MLS Etiquette: New Listings, Presentation & More
5/7 - Taking Title & Affect on Transactions
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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