What is CKTZ's role during an emergency?
Tell us your emergency communication dream...
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Do you have a battery or hand crank radio as part of your home emergency kit?
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If you want to learn more about assembling an emergency kit for your household, leave your contact info at the end of this survey.
Do you rely on radio broadcasts during outages and extreme weather?
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During a power outage or extreme weather event, which sources do you access for local information?
Choose as many as apply.
How do you think Cortes Community Radio could best support local residents during an emergency or extreme weather situation?
Which off-island organizations do you trust to support local residents during an emergency?
Which Cortes Island  organization(s) do you trust to support local residents during an emergency?
What information is most important to you in an emergency broadcast?
If you would like to provide more information, or learn more about volunteering with Cortes Community Radio's Emergency Communications team, please provide your contact information below.
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