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Together In Ministry
Every Christian has God-given gifts and abilities to use for His glory. We are searching for those who are willing to use these in the areas listed below to serve Riley's Creek Baptist Church. We will prayerfully consider your request for the area in which you wish to serve. If you are willing to continue in the position in which you are already serving, please indicate by checking each desired position on this form. All forms should be returned by the end of the month. Thank you for joining together with us in ministry!
The Nominating Committee
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
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Phone Number:
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Sunday School Leadership
Director - responsible for ministering to the needs of Sunday School teachers
Sunday School Teachers or Assistants:
Nursery Teacher or Assistant (ages Birth-2)
Preschool II Teacher or Assistant (ages 3 & 5)
Children I Teacher or Assistant (grades 1 & 2)
Children's II Teacher or Assistant (grades 3 - 5)
Youth Teacher or Assistant
Young Adults Teacher or Assistant
Adult Co-ed Teacher or Assistant
Ladies Teacher or Assistant
Men's Teacher or Assistant
Sunday Morning Services
Nursery Coordinator - schedules volunteers
Children's Church Coordinator - schedules volunteers
Nursery Volunteer (ages birth - 2)
PreK Children's Church Volunteer (ages 3 - Kindergarten)
Elementary Children's Church Volunteer (grades 1 - 3)
Audio/Visual Team (everyone will receive training)
Counseling Team
Sunday Evening Services
Nursery Volunteer (ages birth - 2)
PreK Creek Kidz Volunteer (ages 3-Kindergarten)
Elementary Creek Kidz Volunteer (grades 1 - 5)
Audio/Visual Team (everyone will receive training)
Counseling Team
Adult Youth Helper
Woman's Missionary Union Director
Baptist Men Director
Disaster Relief Coordinator
Disaster Relief Team Member
Administrative (3 yrs) - assists the church in matters of personnel, financial, and facilities administration
Audio Services - provides audio/visual needs such as sound and PowerPoint for worship services, Bible Studies, weddings, and funerals
Bereavement - plans, prepares, and serves a meal to the bereaved family on the day of the funeral
Building & Grounds - oversees the maintenance and improvements of the church buildings and properties
Children's - plans and implements church-wide children's activities to nurture fellowship, spiritual growth,, and community outreach
Constitution - reviews current document and suggests changes to our by-laws
Decoration - responsible for decorating the church for holidays and special events
Fellowship - plans and supervises fellowship events of the church, such as Homecoming, 5th Sunday fellowship dinners, and socials
Ladies Ministry- plans and promotes projects that bind together the ladies of RCBC
Library/Archives - provides and promotes the use of printed and audio/visual resources
Men's Ministry - plans/promotes projects that bind together the men of RCBC
Missions - plans and promotes projects to assist with mission-related needs and outreach opportunities; stays in touch with missionaries and reports to church
Safety/Security - responds to the safety needs of the church, both critical response and medical
Scholarship (5 yrs) - reviews applications and decides on a recipient of the Eloise Wells Wilson scholarship
Senior Adult (Silver Threads) - plans activities and socials
Vacation Bible School - annual outreach event, reaching our community for Christ
Is there an area of ministry in which you are interested that is not mentioned here? If so, please elaborate:
Your answer
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