Heritage Lanes Youth Bowling Club Registration
First Week of League: Saturday September 7th & Sunday September 8th
Address: (Heritage Lanes) Unit 8, 6200 - 67A Street, Red Deer, AB T4P 1E9
Contact us at HeritageLanesYBC@hotmail.com with any questions
You must complete one form per bowler. 
Bowlers from the 2023/2024 season will have registration priority.
Limited to the first 300 approved entries. 
You will receive an email confirmation once your registration is approved.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Bowlers Name (First & Last) *
Gender (Only used for division tracking) *
Date Of Birth *
Email - To be used for all communication including TeamSnap *
Parents Name(s) or Guardian(s)
Cell Phone - Please provide the first preferred contact #
Home Address - including city & postal code
Which session is your 1st choice to attend? *
Which session is your 2nd choice to attend? *
Which level would you like your bowler to be registered in? Bowlers may re-assess their skill level set throughout the season. *
Team Selection - Please provide the names of up to 4 people (In the same age division) that you would like to bowl with. We will make every effort to create teams with at least one of the people on your list. If you do not have any preferences don't worry we will find a great team for you to join! *
Special Information - Is there any special information you'd like to share about your bowler? For example any medical conditions or allergies we need to be aware of? 
We will be taking photos during league & at our special events. These may be used on social media or for advertising purposes. Do you consent to your bowlers photo being used for this purpose?
Do you consent to your bowlers name being posted to social media, local newspaper or other advertising for achievement recognition?
Shirt Size - Can you please provide your bowlers shirt size according to the sizing chart.
Captionless Image
Terms: There is no cost to register for our program! By registering your bowler you understand that there may be volunteer requirements. There may be attendance requirement to stay in the program. Volunteer requirements may include but aren't limited to: working bingos, casinos & helping with tournaments etc. All bowlers will also be required to participate in our major fundraising programs including selling 1 case of chocolate almonds in the fall & coupon book sales in the spring. Please type your full name below to acknowledge your consent & understanding of these terms.
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