BSME Partners | Exhibitor Expression of Interest Form 2024-25

BSME is pleased to open up the opportunity for a limited number of BSME Partners to exhibit at each of our Professional Learning conferences for the 2024-25 academic year. As an exhibitor, you will be entitled to one table, 2 chairs, internet access and a power supply.

The cost of an exhibitor opportunity is 3,950 AED per conference and if there is a particular conference below that appeals to you at this early stage, please feel free to tick the box so that we can register your interest.

By submitting this Expression of Interest form, BSME assumes your company intends to renew its BSME membership for 2024-25. Partners exhibitor requests will be deleted if membership has not been renewed by 30th September 2024. 

**N.B.: The Annual Conference exhibition registration is a separate form and will follow in Term 1.

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Company Name *
Your Name *
Please indicate at which Conference you would like to exhibit?  *
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