Commission Form 
Thank you for showing interest in my work and commission! Before we move ahead please take a good look at the guidelines below: 
  • Commissions will be delivered within 30 days of submitting a request. Demanded deadline will cost additional charges, that I will include accordingly.
  • Once I've read the requirements for commission, a PayPal invoice will be sent to you through email and I will began working after the payment. 
  • The invoice will only be sent when I start working on your commission right away as I prefer not be worried, but you will receive a confirmation email after I receive your commission request. 
  • You'll be charged on the basis of word count. 
  • Projects consisting (10,000 words) will be delivered under 2 months as it is lengthier, required deadline will be additionally charged.
  • You will be updated a few times before I finally send you your commission, if you require any changes within it, you can inform me within 24 hours. 

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1. I will not write upon bestiality.
2. No incest.
3. No extreme topis, (pedophilia, Necrophilia, Coprophilia, gore)
4. There will be absolutely no refund after I start working on commission. (I work really hard) 

I Have Read And Agreed To The Terms 
Once you agree to the terms you may continue to the actual commission request! 
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