Request a Course on
Did you know that as an Equitas Alum, you have access to thousands of courses on for FREE?? Courses are ready to help you with your High School Biology class, to help you study for the AP English exam, to explore career interests, has something for everyone.

Let's get started:
1. Go to
2. Complete your registration by entering your name, email, and creating a password you will remember.
3. Go to your Dashboard, where you will see your courses listed as "assignments" that are ready for you to view at any time you like.
4. Browse all courses that are available by subject, by grade level, etc. under "courses". Also accessible at:

5. If you come across a lesson and/or chapter that you are interested in viewing, complete the form below.  
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First Name *
Last Name *
My Email Address *
High School
My Cell Phone Number
Class Year *
Copy/Paste the Title of the Lesson (eg: J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye: Summary and Analysis) *
Chapter (eg chapter 1)
Lesson (eg: lesson 4, or 1-10)
Why would you like to take this course?
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