2020 Agricultural Genomics International training
Welcome to our survey for the international workshop on Agricultural Genomics. After successfully running it for 2 years in Bangkok, our workshop will now rotate across Asia Pacific.

Vietnam (Ho Chi Mihn City) has volunteered to organise the next one and we are now collecting information on potential topics. If enough residents from other pacific countries apply here, we might duplicate it to your country so please do fill out this form even if you can't make it to Vietnam.

We are currently trying to identify the topics that people would like to focus on, along with other key information such as dates.

This form is anonymous but you can opt to provide an email address at the end. We expect this form will take 5-10 minutes for you to complete.

Thank you,
The organising committee
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Are you in Academia, Government, Industry, or elsewhere? *
In which country do you live? *
Computational proficiency *
I know R or BASH exists but don't use it
I can write new software or R packages
Optional: Do you identify as female?
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Optional: Do you identify as an unprivileged minority in your country of residence?
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Your PhD level *
Which month(s) would be able to attend in 2020? *
Please suggest which topics you'd prefer to see covered *
Any topics not covered above?
If you had to pick only ONE topic of the above (including any answer to 'not covered above'), which one would it be? *
How long would you be willing to attend? *
1 work day
7 work days
Do you think it is important to include a day for selected participants to present their own research (selected via abstract submissions)? *
What registration fees (including breaks & lunch) would you be willing to cover? *
Registration fees would cover the venue costs, your breaks/lunch, and flights/accommodation for lecturers. It would NOT be used to cover a honorarium to lecturers nor organising committee. It would not include your dinner or accommodation. A higher budget means makes it more likely to have the workshop for more days or host multiple international experts, making your attendance more valuable.
US$ 200
US$ 1500
If you are local to Vietnam, would you be available to help with organising / contacting sponsors? *
We are not making a profit from this workshop but we do want to organise a successful one. One way to reduce participation costs is to write grants or work with sponsors. Would you be willing to lead a sponsorship activity in your country (note we already have Illumina Inc on board!)?
If able to attend Vietnam 2020, would you be funding at least 50% of the costs from your grant/institution/employer? *
Optional: Would you be interested in submitting an Expression of Interest for developing or delivering teaching for this workshop?
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Optional: If you cannot attend Vietnam 2020, would you be interested in helping organising an event at your local city at another time?
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Optional: If you provide your email, we will keep you informed of when the event is open for registration.
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