By filling out this form you are applying to participate in the project "Phoenix - I restart by myself." which will take place from January to September 2022 in Cascina Crocetta (Castelletto Uzzone) and in Bergolo (CN).

By filling out this form, you declare that you have read and fully understood the content and conditions of the project info pack:

With your application you undertake to take part in the entire duration of the project and in all phases of implementation: preparation, volunteering and the follow-up part.

We will choose as volunteers the candidates who seem most in line with the objectives and methods used in the project and those we think will benefit the most. We recommend that you take sufficient time and care to fill out the application form clearly and completely.
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Name *
Surname *
Date of birth *
Country of birth *
Write the name of the CITY and of the COUNTRY where you born
Nationality *
How do you define yourself concerning your gender *
Provide only "male" and "female" as a options could be limiting for somebody
Complete address of residence *
write the STREET, street number, CITY, post code and COUNTRY
Email contact *
we will communicate with you through this contact
Telephone number with national prefix *
we will communicate with you through this contact
What is your level of studies *
Ex College
What is your current occupation or profession? *
In case you are not studying, training or working, how long have you been in this condition? *
What prevents you from finding a job that suits you or starting a course of study / training? *
What is your level of English? *
English will be used to communicate with the European volunteers with whom the Italian volunteers will collaborate
In case you speak other languages (included your native language) specify down here whoch one and the level *
Do you have any kind of physical limitation? *
If your answer is yes, explain what it is and how it limits you (what you can do and what you can't do due to physical limitation). ex: due to an operation on my leg I cannot walk for more than 2 hours; I cannot stay in the lawns when they cut the grass because I am allergic to hay and dust
Do you have any allergies? How strong is your allergy? What causes you? *
Ex. I am allergic to dust. If I am in dusty places I can have asthma attacks and I need to take my medications promptly
Do you take medicine regularly? *
In case you do, write the name of the medicine and what it is for
Do you have the European Health Card? *
Contact in case of emmergency *
Write down the name, surname, telephone number and what relationship this person has with you
Do you feel that in your life you face or have faced some of the following obstacles? *
Please explain about it *
The information written here will be treeted confidentially. We need to know them because we want to create the conditions that are supporting you before, during and after the experience
What motivates you to apply for this project? Why do you want to participate? *
What do you want to improve or learn during the project? *
Be specific: it supports us in understanding your expectations, in understanding how to make this project even more suited to your needs
Do you have any competence (knowledge, skills or attitudes) on the main topics of the project (gardening, small restorations, cooking, manual work) that you could share or put into practice while volunteering? *
What positive impact would you like to create for yourseld out of this project? *
What positive change do you want to make thanks to this experience?
Do you have any doubts or concerns about your participation? Share them with us to help us understand how we can support you in this experience *
Have you ever participated in any project co-financed by European funds? If so, please describe them briefly and tell us about your role in these projects *
(eg Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, European Volunteering, Erasmusintern etc.)
Have you ever lived in a house with other people who are not part of your family? Tell us your experiences *
eg.1 I have never lived alone but always with my family. eg 2 I worked in fruit picking and for 3 months I shared a house with 3 other colleagues, two per room. We cooked independently for the whole period
Do you have short or long experiences of life in the countryside? Do you like spending time in nature? *
Tell us about your relationship with the natural environment: how do you experience it?
How did you find out about this project? *
On a group linked to volunteering (write the name), on a youth mobility portal (write the name), in an association (write the name), in a youth center, from my friend Giovanni Rossi; Marta Bianchi recommended it to me etc.
Do you have a license to drive a car? Do you drive regularly? *
Is there anything else you want to add? (optional)
I declare that all of the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. By submitting this question I confirm that I have read and understood the information written in the project information package:, the reimbursement conditions and that I know and accept the participation conditions. I undertake to participate for the entire duration of the activity: preparation phase, volunteering and closing phase of the project and to participate in the entire evaluation process; in the event of a breach of this commitment, I will forfeit the reimbursement of the trip and the reimbursement of the last week of the project. I understand that the information I have provided about my special needs does not negate my personal responsibility to take care of my health. I also give my consent to use my image to give visibility to the project (and to the entities involved in its implementation) and to create publications on websites and social networks. *
I declare that I understand and undertake to comply with the safety regulations relating to the prevention of Covid-19 in force in Italy at the time of the volunteering, which can be checked here: I understand that if I do not apply these safety rules the organizers will be obliged by law to inform the local authorities and, should I violate the rules again, I will have to abandon the project immediately. I also understand that the safety rules do not cancel my personal responsibility and I understand that the risk of infection, although minimized, still exists. I undertake not to take any legal action against the organizers, the coordinating organization, and Si Can Fare APS or partner organizations in the unfortunate event that you become infected with COVID-19 during the project. *
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