5k Handicap Registration - 5 September 2024
This is the fifth and final event in the 2024 5k Handicap series. You need to compete in at least three events to be in with a chance of a prize in the whole handicap series.  Meet at the Bushy Park Sports Club from 6.15pm before going to Bushy Park for the race which will start at 6.45pm
 We'll use a recent handicap or parkrun time to calculate your handicap, but please pre-register using the form. If you haven't run a 5k recently, put an estimated time in the form. 
If you can volunteer, pls email Phil Davies - davieskut@blueyonder.co.uk and complete the normal Thursday night form if you want food. 
There are prizes awarded  - £10 Up & Running Vouchers for the first three home, the fastest man and woman, and the person nearest their stated time. You have to be a member and present at the results announcement afterwards to win a prize. There is food available afterwards at the Club.
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Forename *
Family Name *
Gender *
Email *
Recent time for 5k (Minutes) *
Recent time for 5k (Seconds) *
Age on day of race *
Food Choices *
Would you be able to volunteer at a future handicap event this summer? *
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