Information for Pootsey Book Order(s)
Here are a few tips for providing me with the information I need:

- If you want me to write a note to more than one child in a book (maybe a sibling pair), that's ok! Just include all the names you want me to address the book to in the same field below.

- If you have a custom note you'd like for me to include as I sign the book (i.e. "Johnny, I love our little tradition of reading fun stories at bedtime! I can't wait to enjoy these adventures of Pootsey with you! Love, Mom), include it in the same field as the names.

- If you DON'T have a custom note you'd like for me to include, that's ok! I'll still address the book to the child's name you've given me, and I'll leave my own little note with well-wishes.

If you have any questions as you're filling this out, no problem! Just send me an email at & I'll get right back to ya!
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Name(s) + Custom Note - Book 1 *
Name(s) + Custom Note - Book 2
Name(s) + Custom Note - Book 3
Name & Mailing Address (Wherever you want me to send your books) *
Your email address (in case I have any questions for ya as I'm signing the books!) *
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