Student Release Authorization

A separate form must be completed for each student.


This form only needs to be completed for: 
  • ELC
  • Kindergarten
  • Special Services 

The names listed in  SECTION #4 - CONTACTS   **MUST**   be the same as it appears on the photo ID.

If you are eligible for bus service

District 308 Transportation Services allows only one stop location. Pick up / Drop off location can be separate locations. However, location must be the same Monday-Friday, 5 days per week and be within the same boundary as your child’s school.


Please list who has your permission to receive your child at the bus stop, other than
  • Make sure the adult receiving your child has a photo ID.
  • A parent may authorize a sibling to accompany the Kindergartner off the school bus. If you authorize sibling to accompany the Kindergartner off the bus, please list their name below.
  • Kindergarten / Brokaw ELC students will not be released without a parent or pre-authorized adult present at the drop-off location.
  • If an authorized adult or sibling is not present, the student will be kept on the bus and returned to the school for parent pick up.

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Is your student in ELC, Kindergarten or Special Service?  *
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