Lil Blues Clinic 2024
Clinic Date is Saturday, October 5th.   
Game Date is Friday, October 11th

3:30-5:30 pm Please arrive 15 minutes early to check in. Clinic will start promptly at 3:30 pm

Clinic will be held at WRHS, in the activity center and gym A.  Check in at the table in the main entrance. 

$45.00 which will include game day material taught by WRHS Cheerleaders, T-Shirt, ONE admissions ticket for a parent, pom-poms. 

Please bring CASH or CHECK (Payable to WRHS - Cheer) the day of the clinic. 

Deadline for online registration is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH! 

What to bring to the clinic:
Water bottle with your child's name on it. Athletic attire and athletic shoes.  Hair in a ponytail and out of eyes.  NO JEWELRY of any kind. No gum or Candy is allowed.

About the clinic:
Your Lil Blue will learn gameday material from WRHS Cheerleaders.  They will also learn jumps, motion technique, basic stunts and tumbling. 

They will perform at the high school football game on Friday, October 11th.

On October 11th, parents need to drop off their Lil Blue on WRHS soccer field just west of the football stadium at 6:00 pm for a quick review before the game.  We will enter the track/field from the south. You may pick up your Lil Blue at the North or South gates on the track. 

This year we are offering a "Spirit Store" through Champion Teamwear. These items are fun extras for our Lil Blues Cheerleaders. They are not required to have to participate for the game. A QR code will be attached for the "Spirit Store".

If you have multiple children to register please fill a separate form for each child participating. 

If you have any questions, please email Lindsey Anderson at: 

NEW LIL BLUES TEAM STORE: New this year is the Lil Blues Team Store.  Here you may purchase additional items for the Lil Blues Clinic!  Items are not required but they are fun extras to have.  To purchase go to the URL below or scan the QR code.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
QR Code for the Lil Blues Clinic Team Store
Participates First Name: *
Participates Last Name *
Participates Grade in Fall of 2024: *
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian: *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): *
Parent/Guardian Email: *
Name of Emergency Contact (other than name listed above): *
Emergency Contact Phone Number (other than the number listed above): *
T-Shirt Size: *
Does your child have any restrictions, medical conditions, allergies, etc. that WRHS coaches need to know? If so, please list restrictions/activity and the accommodations.  *
WAIVER STATEMENT: The undersigned states that he/she understands that Washburn Rural and the clinic staff is not and shall not be responsible for or liable for any illness or injury to person or damage to property resulting from the program in which the undersigned is enrolling or being enrolled or from his/her participation in said program.  The participate and the undersigned, if the participant is a minor or under other legal disability, herby forever releases and holds harmless the said Washburn Rural clinic staff, its employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims of any kind that the participant, or the undersigned, or their respective heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns may have or claim to have resulting from participation in said program. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE WAIVER STATEMENT (electronic signature): *
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