Ad Rental Request Form
Fill out the form and submit your request for renting ad space from the EvCC Sustainability Office. If you need assistance with any part of this form, contact us at or 425-388-9565.
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Name of Requester *
Contact Information (Phone and Email) *
What/who is the request on behalf of?
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If the request is on behalf of a club or EvCC department, which department or club (if for a club, please give the name of your advisor; if this question doesn't apply to you, just type N/A)? *
Describe the content of your advertisements (i.e. advertising your club/organization to attract members, promotion of an event you or your department is planning) *
What size will your advertisement be? *
Please choose a starting date for your advertisement: *
Please choose an end date for your advertisement: *
Our Advertising Policy is available through request or online at Have you read and agreed to the policy? *
Would you like to be considered for discounted pricing?
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