Volunteer Opportunities
For individuals and/or business who are interested in volunteering with the Grace Community Project, the Grace Community Car Show, or the Family Restore Center.  Once completed, you will be contacted by someone from Grace Community project, via phone or email, to discuss your interests more.  As always, you can reach us directly at gracecommunitycarshow@gmail.com.  Thank you for  your continued support.
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Name: *
Address: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
I am interested in the following ways to be involved (check all that apply):
I am interested in assisting with the annual car show.  More specifically, I am most interested in helping in these ways (check all that apply):
I am interested in assisting with Fundraising.  More specifically, I am most interested in helping in these ways (check all that apply):
I am interested in assisting with the Family Restore Center.  More specifically, I am most interested in helping in these ways (check all that apply):
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