2024 Camp Weekaneatit WAIT LIST
As of now, we are full for Camp Weekaneatit 2024.  As we recruit more camp counselors for proper coverage, then we can add campers in.  To be added to the waitlist, please complete and submit this form.  We will be in touch as camper openings occur.   You will then be prompted to complete the full camper application and submit camper fee through PayPal.

 If you know of anyone interested in being a camp counselor (19 years and up).  (We do not take parents as counselors), please have them email us at CampWeekaneatit@gmail.com and fill out the staff application on our website.

Questions, CampWeekaneatit@gmail.com
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Camper Name *
Camper Age (as of July 2024) *
Current grade your child is in *
Gender at Birth *
Gender Identity *
has your child been diagnosed with Celiac Disease *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Please list any other medical and psychological conditions that your child has been diagnosed with (so we can take the best care of your child and to ensure we have proper coverage/care) *
Please list ALL food allergies (besides gluten) --NOT preferences, but allergies and if they need an EpiPen *
Does your child function at their grade level?  Please explain? 
The camper fee is $600 and the dates are July 21 - 26, 2024.  Do both of these work for you if a space does become available? *
Has your camper attended Camp Weekaneatit in the past?  *
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