Take 5 minutes for the "10 Core Challenge"
Are you an owner, manager, or administrator?  We invite you to take our 10 Core Challenge.  Assess how many of these management systems are currently working in your place of business right now.  Do they exist?  Are they viable?  Does your business measure up to the 10 Core Challenge? You can get #bomaqtalk video support for the 10 Core Challenge at the Urbanetectonics YouTube page. Go there now and fill out your answers as you follow along.
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Business Name for "10 Core Challenge" *
10 Core Challenge: 10 General Assessments
Write a short answer demonstrating your management system(s) in the area of interest.  If you do not have an answer for any particular area or question, leave the short answer blank. After you place your answer in the blanks below, then use the system check tools to assess each ten areas.
What management systems are you using for "Operational" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 1" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/3N1b6ceEqn7HYQ  *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Human Capital" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 2" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/3rlLSaAVg9T38m *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Facility" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 3" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/3M3R781ztdACJn *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Compliance Legalism" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 4" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/ouShUpB7iwvOI *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Marketing" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 5" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/Gxmi172AHWIfY0 *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Media" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 6" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/BGoU7GgNIzdvAb *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Security" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 7" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/hfsVvi1vLnZRBn *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Data" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 8" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/BBEg5HMtAMMWBj *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Asset" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 9" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/q68K6HVZMnLY2s *
1 point
What management systems are you using for "Project Management" problems, issues, and demands? Place your answer below, then use this system check tool: "Core 10" assessment https://www.slideshare.net/secret/G6kEMowssnkwPx *
1 point
Based on the general assessment above, what was your "10 Core Challenge" score? *
What would you like to do about your "10 Core Challenge" score? *
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