2024 Bethelwoods Returning Summer Staff Application
Thank you for your interest in serving with our summer ministry at Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center again. If selected from the many applicants, you will find serving at Bethelwoods can be much more than a summer job. Our staff members have the opportunity to develop their own gifts, leadership skills, and faith, while growing closer to others through the Gospel in an intentional Christian community.

We are so excited you have considered spending your summer serving the Lord and all those who come to Bethelwoods.

To apply, please complete the following steps:

1. Complete the Summer Staff application.

2. Once we receive your completed application and references, we will contact you for an interview. All interviews will be conducted via video chat (zoom) or in person (onsite).

You must complete these steps, and we must receive all your references before we can consider your application for employment. We look forward to your interview. Thank you for your interest in Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center; please feel free to contact us regarding any questions you may have!

Rev. Parker Lucas
Program Director
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