Test our app for people with GI conditions
We are building an app to support people with Gastrointestinal conditions

This app is a continuation of an idea explored at Sync the City 2023 in Norwich, UK. The project team are tentatively moving forward with the idea, and have recently secured further funding by winning the People's Choice award at the University of East Anglia's Change Makers programme.

At the moment we're at a very early stage - if you have any kind of gastrointestinal condition we'd really like to show you what we're working on, as we decide on what direction to take the app in. In this way we hope to make the most impact with people with GI conditions.

Later on in development, this app may evolve into something that's also useful for people without GI conditions, who are curious about the things they eat and how it make them feel. If you'd like to sign up to help us with that, then you would also be welcome.

Of course the information that you give us will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be used for any nefarious purposes - just to help us develop this app. We don't even need to know that much about you at this stage, such as anything about what conditions you may or may not have, or even your real name.

If you change your mind about signing up, you can contact us at info@mypom.app and we will remove you from the list, no questions asked.

If you do decide to join us your support will be greatly appreciated, as we try to build an app that helps people with GI conditions to feel more confident about their food choices and more comfortable about their health.

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On what basis are you able to support us at the moment? *
Name *
You don't need to give us your full name if you don't want to
Email *
Phone number (optional)
What type of mobile phone do you have? *
We need to know what kind of handset you have so that we can make sure we've got a version of our app that you can use.
What part of the world are you in? *
Initially we may only be able to work with people near to the Fine City of Norwich, United Kingdom. But don't worry, we'll get to you soon enough!
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