The Biz Exchange Membership Request
Please complete this form to express membership interest for The Biz Exchange. The board will review this request at the next board meeting.  

Please note: If your industry slot is full, you will be placed on a wait list and notified when an opening is available. 

Once your membership is approved, you will be sent additional information to complete your membership in the group. If you have any questions, please contact any ambassador or email
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Industry *
Please tell us what industry/industries you represent.   Please be as clear/detailed as possible when answering this question.

Please note, we accept 3 members per industry and if your industry is full, we will hold you on a wait list until there is an opening. 

We understand it is possible to represent more than one industry and if you add multiple, that will be considered in the approval process.  
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