Finally Your Final Finals:     J307 Exam 2 Spring Semester 2023 (5/2023) - Practice Mix
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Listening Section: Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
Listening 1: Listen to two people arguing about what they should do!
Q1. What is Steve doing? *
Q2. Why does Becky want him to stop what he's doing? *
Q3. What's Steve's advice to Becky? *
Q4. What is Becky's goal? *
Q5. Steve is mad at Becky because she... *
Listening 2: Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
Q6. What event are they discussing? *
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Q7. Where did Charlie hear the news? *
Q8. Why might Simon not be able to come? *
Q9. When will Suzanne buy the tickets? *
Q10. Suzanne sounds disappointed because... *
Q11.: Tomorrow, these two will... *
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Q12.: Linda is most excited that she can... *
Q13.: Linda thinks, in 5 years he will... *
Q14.: He thinks he might not live long because... *
Listening 4: Listen to some changes coming in the young man's life
Q15.: The man says, next year he will... *
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Q16.: The man says, he is __________ this change. *
Q17.: The man says, it is important he... *
Q18.: He needs to learn... *
Q19.: What did you hear? " In general, I feel... *
Video #1:
Q20.: Sven is interested in... *
Q21.: Sven predicts that in 50 years... *
Q22.: Caroline _______ meat. *
Q23.: Caroline thinks most meat will come from..... *
Q24.: Sharmell is excited about... *
Q25.: Mike is excited about... *
Q26.: Mike thinks technology will help people... *
Video  #2 - Future Foods: (You can stop at 6:30!)
Q27.: What kind of seafood will people probably eat more of in the future? *
Q28.: The burger the kids eat is special because.... *
Q29.: The kids say these special burgers are....  regular burgers. *
Q30.: The special tacos are made with... *
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Q31.: For the desserts, what couldn't the kids eat? *
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Q32.: What do the kids call the chocolate dessert? *
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Q33.: The dessert is special because the flour is made .... *
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Video #3: Christmas Traditions
Q#34-39. What do Sarah and her family do during a traditional American Christmas? *
They decorate the Christmas tree.
The dress up in red and white.
They have a feast with turkey.
They sing Christmas songs.
They put presents under the tree.
They light candles.
Q#40. In Japan, they often eat _________ on Christmas! *
Q#41. In India, they often decorate _________ trees for Christmas! *
Q#42. In Italy, the presents are delivered by.... *
Q#43. In Brazil, children get their presents... *
Grammar Practice:
Q44. Thank you for joining the games. We are happy the ______________ was higher than last year. *
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Q45. If you didn't join the games, you can ________________ next year.  *
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Q46. Social media influencers care about their fan's _____________ with their posts. *
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Q47. Influencers post very ______________ pictures, videos, or comments so many people will notice and 'like' them. *
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Q48. Thank you for being so _________.  *
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Q49. I hope to pay you back for all of your ___________. *
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Q50. What do you think this is called? (slice = 切片) *
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