Conference Participant Evaluation Form for CME (CPD)
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this evaluation form. This conference was evaluated for accreditation by the EACCME (European Accreditation Council on CME), which requires an evaluation be completed before awarding CME/CPD credit.  We also use this information to plan future events and learning activities.

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Restorative Reproduction with NeoFertility
Dublin, Ireland September 6, 2019
1.  How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? *
If this activity was not useful please explain why:
2.  What was your overall impression of this event? *
Very Poor
3. What was the best aspect of this event?
4. What was the worst aspect of this event?
5. Did the event fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? *
6. Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? *
7. How useful to you, personally, was the information and methods presented in the conference ? *
8. Was there adequate time available for discussions, questions & answers and learner engagement? *
9. Can you indicate any innovative elements during the activity?
10. Will the information you learnt be implemented in your practice? *
11. Can you provide ONE example how this event will influence your future practice?
12. Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation? *
13. Can you provide an example of a biased presentation in this activity?
14. Do you agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias? *
15. Additional Comments or feedback:
16. I am a:
 (check all that apply)
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