Event for Calendar
Please fill out this form to submit an event to the QCActivism Calendar.
For any questions or concerns, please email QCactivism@gmail.com
Please allow time for review and posting.
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Name or Organization *
In a few words, what is the focus of your organization?
Event Title *
Date *
Is this a recurring event? If so, when and how often?
Event Start Time (Central Time) *
Duration of Event (or Event End Time) *
Location (Note: If you are doing a Zoom, state that here.) *
Event Description (including cost and RSVP deadline, if applicable) *
How should people contact your organization about this event? (Note: Enter a Zoom registration link here or state whom to contact for that link here.) *
What are some key words that would help people find your event? (To see a list of suggested key words, check here: https://groups.google.com/u/2/g/qcactivism/c/lT2UKdRTqIk )
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