ART in Interfaith Contexts - International Interfaith Reading Group
We are pleased to announce the launch of an International Reading Group on Art in Interfaith Contexts, which will explore this fascinating subject from multifaceted perspectives.
The role and function of art in shaping people's lives and identity, irrespective of their faith, is immeasurable. The aesthetics and distinctive features of any type of art mirror its users' specific mentality and set of values. Indeed, many studies have demonstrated the power of music in creating close interactions and relationships between peoples of different convictions.  

Artworks can deepen our understanding by enabling us to grasp connections between aspects of what we already believe. Can art provide new spiritual information? Could art change the way we think about God, ourselves, and others? We will delve into these questions and their contextual factors.

This Reading Group will explore artwork as an intrinsic spiritual and religious component of interfaith dialogue. We suggest that art, in its various manifestations, can serve as a meeting place for coexistence and fruitful interfaith collaboration.

At our meetings, we will discuss the centrality of art in shaping religious identities, and beliefs, and reflect on the role of shared art, music, and culture in creating new conversations and forms of communication across generations, cultures, and religions.

We will meet via Zoom for an hour once a month and discuss specific artistic genres. A presentation by an invited speaker will be followed by an open discussion.

Our Reading Group is open to anyone, and we invite you to join us and register your initial interest below.

February, 2022.
Oxford Interfaith Forum
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