MVHS Transcript Request Form
Please use this form to request your High School transcript. We will only be able to access your transcript if Mountain View High School was the LAST High School you attended. Please allow 1 week for your request to be processed.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name (Maiden) *
Graduation Year / Class of.... *
Date of Birth ( mm/dd/yyyy) *
Phone Number (in case we have questions) *
Why are transcripts being sent? *
Where should we send the transcript? *
NOTE: for out of state schools not listed use "other" and you MUST include the address. Transcripts will NOT be processed for "other" requests if an address is not included. Please allow 48 hours for processing.
Enter the name and mailing address information if "Other" is checked:
By checking the box below, I authorize the release of my academic record to the above party specified on the form. * *
If you have questions, please contact the counseling office 307-782-3377 ext. 7212. You may also email Please allow 3-4 school days for your request to be processed.
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