Building UNITY at Echo Valley Farm     August 24, 2024 -----------------------------------> A Building Unity Gathering
Dear Friends, Family, and Unity Builders, 

Dena Eakles with Echo Valley Hope will host a Building Unity Gathering at Echo Valley Farm, Ontario, Wisconsin on Saturday, August 24th. Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending this all-day event. Please also indicate if you are reserving camping an/or cabin accommodations for Friday and /or Saturday night (additional steps outlined below.) We will update information about this event at 

We ask all participants to contribute to the financial costs of sharing the spaces at Echo Valley Farm, if possible. If you are unable to contribute and want to attend, please fill out this form and plan to come. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.

Call Building Unity anytime if you have any questions. 608-630-3633.
Call Dena Eakles regarding lodging. 608-606-4450.

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Your First Name: *
Your Last Name: *
Your Phone Number: *
Group(s) that you are affiliated with:
Will one or more people be joining you? If so, please name them here and also have them fill out this form.

The option to spend the weekend in one of Echo Valley’s cabins on Friday and Saturday are available. If this is something you are interested in, please book a cabin ASAP

If you want to camp or to stay in one of two group cabins, they will be available on a sliding scale $10-20. Please contact Dena at to reserve your space.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Emergency Contact information: *
Do you have any special needs requiring support or accommodations that you would like us to know about? If so, you can list them here or, if you prefer, call Building Unity and discuss them.
Please list any questions, concerns, or any other information that you'd like us to know here:
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