New Client Form
The Dean's List | @mydeanslist | |

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The Dean's List is a Charlotte-based digital branding and career consulting agency focused on building a strong community of empowered individuals. Our founder, Meredith Dean (@Merenator), created the company with a mission to uplift and empower our clients, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or background. The Dean's List has now helped over 300 clients enhance their online presence and find their dreams jobs. A portion of all profits go to Habitat Aid Initiative, a non-profit which builds sustainable communities, clinics, girls schools, and wells in the Western Kenya area.  

We have worked with a wide range of professionals including students, models, influencers, actors, journalists, athletes, musicians, producers, and biotech consultants from companies such as ESPN, Twitter, CBS, AT&T, NFL, Miss America Organization, and more. Most importantly, our uplifting culture stands on the core values of collaboration, the celebration of diversity, and human empowerment. Learn more about us from our community of 10,000+ professionals at our events:  Meetups, Dinners, TGIM Panels & IG Lives, EmpowerCon & our 20 Under 20 Awards.

We are your one stop shop to make your digital brand come to life. A one-page black and white resume just doesn't cut it anymore. We highlight our clients' personality & accomplishments with our innovative services: online portfolios/personal websites, photography/headshots, social media revamping and workshops, career counseling, and digital branding consulting.

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(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blog)
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Feel free to check more than one.
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If applicable, indicate name of Brand Ambassador/Referral under "other" section
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