Newington Public Schools Employee Exit Interview
The school district is committed to providing a positive work environment for all employees. Your candid feedback on this survey will provide a valuable source of information to assist me in creating and maintaining such an environment.  This exit survey is also designed to meet the criteria outlined in  Section 6 & 7 of Public Act 23-159.

Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will be treated with total confidentiality. You may contact my office directly if you have any questions or to provide additional information beyond this survey.

On behalf of the Board of Education and the entire community, I thank you for your dedicated service to the students of the Newington Public Schools.

Best regards,

Mr. Stephen Foresi
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
(860) 665-8630
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Name (First and Last) - OPTIONAL
Location: Where did you work? - Select all that apply *
Educational Degree (highest earned): *
Race/Ethnicity *
Gender Identify: *
Age: *
Length of Service in Newington *
Last day of employment with the Newington Public Schools: *
My position requires a: *
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