2019-2020 Pre-K/K Parent Questionnaire
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Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Name of person completing questionnaire *
Relationship to student *
Please list the names and ages of your child's brothers and sisters or other children living in the home. *
Has your child attended pre-school/daycare/playgroup before? If so, where? If not, please leave blank. Briefly describe the type of program (half-day, full-day, days per week) and your child's experience at preschool/daycare.
When not part of a teacher/parent-created activity, how does your child prefer to spend his/her time? *
Has your child ever been so seriously ill as to require an overnight hospital stay? Does that illness still impact his or her learning/school experience today? If yes, please describe how. *
From time to time, all children are asked to do things they don't necessarily want to do (i.e. cleaning up their room or stopping an enjoyable activity). How does your child react when this is presented to him or her? *
All children show a variety of moods including frustration or anger. Sometimes this transfers into extended tantrums. Does your child have tantrums? If yes, how do you manage these occasions? *
At-home responsibilities (chores, setting the table, taking out the garbage, etc) are positive activities for young children to take part in. Please list which of these things your child does. *
Practicing independence prior to entering a school setting provides young children with confidence in being able to do things on their own. What are some things your child does independently (ie. pick up toys, dress him/herself, open food items, help siblings)? *
Reading aloud is one of the most important things parents and teachers can do with children. Reading aloud builds many important foundational skills, introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading, and helps children recognize what reading for pleasure is all about. What are some of your child's favorite books or characters? *
Has there been any significant or upsetting events in your child's life that may impact his or her ability to succeed in school? If yes, please describe how this has been addressed and how the school can help support your child. *
Do you have any concerns or information that should be shared regarding your child's behavior, maturity, or social skills? *
Have there been any changes in your family in the last year? Do you anticipate any big changes in the upcoming year? *
What are some of the wonderful, special, and enjoyable things about your child that you want us to know? We look forward to joining with you in educating your child and want to know them both as a learner and as a special member of our school community. Along with that, describe anything else you feel the school or your child's future teacher should know about your child. *
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