This is an anonymous survey to gauge homeowner attitudes and desires around accessory dwelling units (ADUs), Tiny Houses on Wheels, and their use as affordable housing in Richmond, CA.
Cities throughout California have adopted Tiny House on Wheels ordinances that allow Tiny Houses on Wheels (no foundation) to serve as accessory dwelling units (ADUs). The City of Richmond's ordinance outlines a pilot program to utilize tiny houses on wheels as innovative, low-cost options to create affordable housing.
Our project, THIMBY,
in collaboration with TentMakers, Inc. and the Tiny House Building Academy---an organization we co-founded to provide education and onsite construction experience to individuals from marginalized populations, preparing them for careers in the industry---is working to pilot this ordinance. We are constructing our first house now, but we are looking to expand.
This form serves to help us better understand Richmond homeowners' needs, assets, and desires and potentially find homeowners interested in hosting a Tiny House on Wheels on their property. For more information on the THIMBY program, check out our
website and our
Info Packet for Homeowners.