4.1 Skriva
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08. "För att vara ____________ behöver du arbeta hårt."
"To be successful, you need to work hard."
3 points
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09. "Katten är i  ____________ ."
"The cat is in the box."
3 points
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10. "Hon gick till  ____________  för att köpa mat."
"She went to the store to buy some groceries."
3 points
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11. "Det är den bästa  ____________  ."
"That is the best solution."
3 points
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12. "Blomboken står på  ____________  ."
"The book of flowers is on the shelf."
3 points
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13. "Jag har ett  ____________  klockan tre."
"I have a meeting at three o'clock."
3 points
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14. "Han gillar  ____________  och apelsiner."
"He likes apples and oranges."
3 points
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15. "Jag gillar att  ____________  böcker."
"I enjoy reading books."
3 points
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16. "Hon hittade ett mynt på  ____________ ."
"She found a coin on the ground."
4 points
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17. "Det regnar  ____________ ."
"It is raining outside."
4 points
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18. "Jag  ____________ inte broccoli."
"I do not like broccoli."
4 points
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19. "Denna  ____________ är till dig."
"This gift is for you."
4 points
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