2022 Market Fair at Deptford Community Center Vendor Application
Every 3rd Saturday from May to September from 8AM - 12PM. Dates: May 21st, June 18th, July 16th, August 20th and September 17th.

This form is for vendors wishing to sell items during the Deptford Community Center Market Fair (DCCMF) season. You may choose any dates that work for you.  There is no guarantee that your application will result in participation at the Market, but all applications will be reviewed and considered. If your farm/business is selected for participation, you will be contacted by the Market Fair Administrator.

All vendors selling food will be required to get approval and licensing from the Gloucester County Health Department.

DCCMF is every 3rd Saturday May through September Rain or Shine
Set up is from 6:45AM-7:45AM (no vendors will be permitted in after 7:45AM no exceptions)
Market is from 8:00AM - 12:00PM

There will be a $25 vendor fee which will be donated to the Deptford Township Veterans Committee.

Option 1: Whole Season (all 5 dates) Discounted rate of $100.00 if paid in full before Season starts.

Option 2: $25 per market paid in full by the first Saturday of each month

(Deptford Community Center Market Fair (DCCMF) has limited space and reserves the right to approve or deny any vendor as they see fit). (As always, we will do our best to minimize overlap in products with multiple vendors but we will not grant exclusivity.)

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Choose an option *
Name *
Business/Farm/Organization Name *
Address *
Phone number *
Website, Facebook, Instagram *
Type of vendor *
What types of good do you plan to sell?
Please check the date/dates you are interested in. *Set up is from 6:45AM to 7:45AM*
Click each checkbox to confirm acceptance of the following requirements:
Applicants who are awarded opportunities at the DCCMF under these specifications shall indemnify and hold harmless Deptford Township and Deptford Community Market Fair, its officers, employees, agents, and servants from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, recoveries, judgements, costs and expenses including attorney fees, incurred to suffered on account of property damage or loss and/or personal injury, including loss of life of any person, agency, servants or subcontractors in the performance of the work described in these specifications. The applicant further agrees that this indemnification by the applicant shall continue after completion of the Deptford Community Center Market Fair (DCCMF) season for all claims, demands, suits, actions, recoveries, judgements, costs and expenses including attorneys fees resulting from acts or omissions the applicant, its employees, agents, servants or subcontractors which occur prior to the completion of the season. *
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