SIGA Completed Dissertations/Dissertations in Progress
We would love to feature any and all dissertations (completed or in progress) pertaining to global Iberian art on our website. If you would like to have your information listed, please fill out the form below. If you have any changes to report (such as the completion of an 'in progress' dissertation or change of title) please use this form  and check the 'update an existing listing' box.
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Please include this information as *
Name *
Email *
Degree-Granting Institution *
Dissertation Title *
Please choose one: *
If completed, when did you defend?
To which areas does your dissertation pertain? (Check 1 or 2 that apply) *
What 'tags' apply to your project? (Check up to 4 that apply)
If you have another 'tag' to suggest, please list it and describe.
Please provide an abstract (if desired) to be displayed on our website.
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