Volunteer Survey
The Fredericton Botanic Garden Association depends on volunteers to keep our more than fifteen garden beds looking good. We are looking for gardening volunteers to help April - October, and volunteers in other areas year-round. Please complete the survey below and let us know how and when you can help.

Weeding Wednesdays take place every Wednesday May-September from 6-8 pm. This is a great way to get started. Join us at the greenhouses at 10 Cameron Court!

If your service organization or workplace would like to do a group volunteer activity at the Botanic Garden, please contact the Garden Manager at fredbotanicgarden@gmail.com to get started.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
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First Name *
Last Name
Email *
Phone (include area code)
What areas would you be interested in helping with?
What day(s) of the week work for you?
What times of day work best for you?
What dates are you available?
Please let us know if you have any special skills you would like to share with the Garden.
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