Please use this form to register. Fill out a new form for each attendee.
Join St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Helena, Montana, for a three-day participatory workshop with Paul Vasile and Leah Silvieus. Paul, a visionary leader in music and worship, and Executive Director of Music that Makes Community, and Leah, an author and poet interested in liturgy and language as a touchstone of worship, bring unique gifts for discovering God’s voice through song, word, and movement drawn from many times and traditions. This event is part of the St. Paul’s George Harper Expanding Faith Series, enlivening the church of today and envisioning the church of tomorrow.
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and its influence on music and worship, we bring our weariness and disorientation as we move forward in a changed and bruised world and church. Yet we still come to God’s table—hungry for the hospitality of welcome, relationship, and interconnection; thirsty for reinvigoration of our imagination and hope. We come as people in places of despair, curiosity, discernment, and transition.
Join a collaborative gathering of clergy, music ministers, laity, activists, artists, and seekers to explore and invent new models for engaging the Sacred. Co-create generative, embodied music, liturgy, art practices, and worship, reconnect to our voices, our spaces, and our communities, and learn new tools for creating worship infused with genuine care and hope. Anticipating unknowns in COVID safety, this workshop will adapt to evolving guidelines.
This workshop will take place Thursday, June 2—Saturday, June 4, 2022. All are welcome to stay for a special worship experience on Pentecost, June 5, at St. Paul’s UMC.
Register before May 1 for early bird tuition!
Sliding scale tuition is $60-$100 per participant before May 1; $100-$150 after May 1.
Scholarships are also available.
TUITION PAYMENT: Your registration will be considered complete when we have received your tuition.
Visit and click "donate."
Under "Fund," select "Special Event" and type "Enliven, Envision, Embody" in the next field
Checks may be made to St. Paul's UMC with "Enliven, Envision, Embody" in the memo line.
Checks or cash may be sent to:
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
512 Logan St.
Helena, MT 59601
Questions about the workshop, accommodations, or other concerns may be directed to Dr. Maren Haynes Marchesini, St. Paul's UMC Director of Worship, Music & Art, at