RJC Engagement Request
You have opened this form because you are requesting support, resources, information or some type of engagement from the Racial Justice Coalition of Asheville, Inc. In order to facilitate our vetting process please complete this form and provide clear and concise responses where possible. Accurate information will greatly reduce the turn-around time for your request. Your information will be stored securely and will not be shared outside of the RJC without your written approval. We welcome your collaboration and ideas.
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Email *
Preferred Contact Number *
Full Name:
First and last
Company or Field of Interest
Are you or your organization included in our Coalition? *
Briefly describe your Ask for RJC engagement. *
Are you currently doing this work in Asheville? *
What type of support is needed from RJC? Choose all the answers that are applicable. *
What talents do you need from RJC? *
Please add an overview of your organization here: *
Describe how your organization implements racial equity in your work. *
Describe how your organization shows up for racial justice in our community. *
How would you describe your leadership (Executive Director, leaders, people in decision-making positions, etc.) structure? *
Please indicate the focus area closest your work. *
When do you need these resources? *
An estimate is okay
How long will you need these resources? *
What amount of funding, if any, is available for this request? *
Are you collaborating with other organizations in Asheville? If so, please provide a list here.
Have you already been in conversation with someone at RJC, and if so, who?
What are you grateful for?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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